Move Downloads Folder Mac

  1. Show My Downloads Folder

You can move Mac OS X Lion files and folders around within a window to your heart’s content as long as that window is set to icon view. Keep forgetting to clean out your Downloads folder? We're here to help you fix that! Post-it for mac. We'll show you how to change where your files download on the Mac.

Hope this helps. (And my thanks to Stridmat for the CLI code!).

But if I could pare the size down by eliminating some data, or better yet, just moving some data to another hard drive, I could get by with a smaller, less expensive SSD. A quick look at my home folder tells me it accounts for 271 GB of the space being taken up on the startup drive.

Click the arrow button that appears in the upper left of the Stack to go back to the folder you came from. If there are more icons than can be shown within the grid, a scroll bar appears.

I’ve seen a lot of clogged-up folders. For me, at least, it’s much easier to keep my downloaded files cleaned up and organized if I throw them on my Desktop, so if you’re the same way, it’s good to know that you can change where Safari, Firefox, and Chrome automatically put their downloads. So for today’s article, let’s go over how to change the default download folder on the Mac! Luckily, the process is pretty similar in the three main Mac browsers. Change the Default Download Location in Safari For Apple’s built-in Safari browser, first launch the app and then click on the “Safari” menu in the top-left corner of your screen. From the drop-down list, choose Preferences.

My downloads no longer take up precious space on my SSD and they don't really benefit from the fast disk I/O. They are perfectly fine on the spinner. I did the same thing with my Music directory (i.e., iTunes Library), put everything on the spinner. I did this years ago on my Mac mini server (mid-2010). It now has a 120GB SSD boot drive and an auxiliary 1TB hard drive (7200rpm). I created a folder called Downloads on the hard drive then created an alias.

Show My Downloads Folder

• Now, open a Finder window and go to the location where you want the new Downloads destination will be. • Drag the new Downloads folders into the Terminal window.

• Now, in the Terminal Window, type ln -s (with a space following the 's'). • Now, open a Finder window and go to the location where you want the new Downloads destination will be. • Drag the new Downloads folders into the Terminal window. The path to the new destination will auto fill. Hit the return key to issue the command. • The new Downloads default folder has now been successfully changed. As others have mentioned, there are a number of scenarios where this can prove useful.

The -s parameter creates a symbolic link. Be sure to change /Volumes/My Passport 1/Downloads/ with the absolute path to your new Downloads folder you created in the new location. Abbyy finereader pro for mac download. In my case, Mac OS gave my external drive the path /Volumes/My Passport 1/ and then I add the /Downloads/ part to the path in the command. The backslashes in the path is simply to escape the spaces in the folder name of the external drive.

• From the list of user accounts, right-click on the account whose home folder you moved, and select Advanced Options from the pop-up menu. Warning: Do not make any changes to the Advanced Options, except for those noted here. Doing so can cause quite a few unforeseen problems that could lead to data loss or the need to reinstall the OS. • Once your Mac restarts, navigate to the location of your new home folder. The new home folder should now display the house icon. • Launch TextEdit, located at /Applications. • Create a test TextEdit file by typing a few words and then.

How to Copy and Move Files and Folders on Mac OS X Snow Leopard By You may find the files and folders on your Mac Snow Leopard aren’t where you want them to be. Snow Leopard makes copying and moving files and folders a simple drag and drop experience. You can copy and move just one file at a time or move several at once: • To copy a file or folder from one window to another location on the same drive: Hold down the Option key and click and drag the icon from its current home to the new location. (Note: You can drop files and folders on top of other folders, which puts the copy inside that folder.) If you’re copying multiple items, select them first and then drag and drop the entire crew. Instead of cluttering your Desktop with tons of files, create a folder or two on your Desktop and then store those items within those folders. If you work with the contents of a specific folder often, drag it into the Places heading in the Sidebar (the column at the left side of any Finder window), and you can open that folder from the Finder with a single click no matter where you are!

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